
Broken Tales Continue

Posted on Thursday, 4th of April, 2024 @ 4:51am by Professor Margaret (Maggie) MacAulay & Seventh Year Gryffindor Jennifer Collins & Third Year Ravenclaw Trixie Tremaine & Third Year Ravenclaw Tara Tremaine & Third Year Hufflepuff Keesha Thomas & Fifth Year Gryffindor Prefect Kaitlyn Varoni & Third Year Gryffindor Robin Maxwell & Third Year Gryffindor Jesse Connor & Third Year Hufflepuff Kairi Scorchleigh & Third Year Slytherin Samantha Hawthorn

1,252 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Once Upon a Fracture...
Location: Various
Timeline: Halloween


It was the morning of Halloween and jack-o-lanterns floated above the tables in the Great Hall in preparation for the celebration that night.

Jennifer walked in and looked around, feeling both sad and excited. She loved Halloween, even more since coming to Hogwarts, but this was her last year and she would miss the school--and the studying. Reg teased her about it, but there was still so much to learn here.

She was a little early and the tables were only half full. She glanced over to the Slytherin tables, but there was no sign of Reg. Not yet, anyway. She'd see him in class later, but homework was already building up for the end-of-year exams. With a sigh she sat down and pulled out a parchment to read.

Jesse walked into the great hall, filled with excitement, as it was his favourite time of the year, as a kid he'd always loved Halloween, and now at Hogwarts he loved it even more.

Samantha Hawthorn was already seated at the Slytherin table, she saw her cousin enter, and gave him a half smile, he'd been keeping a low profile of late, which made her a tad curious as to what he was up to.

Maxwell was heading to the Main Hall as he is a bit later than he would have liked. Moving towards an open part of Hogwarts he noted a kid running about shirtless with long black ponytail . The darker skin meant he was not from England. The next thing that caught his eye was the Feather in the headband . The strange type of dancing with his torso up and down while circling a torchlight.

The bow in his hand and quiver on the back did not mesh well with the whole Hogwarts theme. Now he had seen some American Movies and this little chap resemble the media depiction of a stereo type American Indians in the old west.

"Excuse me ..." Robin called.

The boy looked up, drew an arrow and notched his bow. Maxwell ducked around the corner he had just come from trying to get ahead of the arrow.

Nothing happened, peeking around slowly there was just an open corridor.

"What was an Indian doing here..." Maxwell asked himself aloud.

Kairi came into the hall, looking up from her book to barely see something whizz past. She heard Robin's voice, and her heart lifted a little. *That feels funny. I'm thinking about Robin and my heart wants to race. What is going on? * She thought to herself.

"Morning Robin. did you mention an Indian?" She looked a little puzzled.

But Robin was too intent on why there was someone dressed like an Indian at Hogwarts.

Kairi settled at the Hufflepuff table, getting herself a plate of food.

"Would you like a spot of tea, dear?" A sweet voice said.

"Yes, please" Kairi replied, absentmindedly. "Two sugars, please."

Soon enough there was a cup in front of her. Kairi picked up the cup and took a drink.

"Mama, it tickles!" Kairi looked at the pot and cup. For a moment there, Kairi could swear they were alive.

"Huh? did anybody else hear my cup say something? I swear it just said it tickles?" Kairi was truly puzzled. "Robin, could you do me a favour and pinch me? I think I'm still dreaming."


Trixie and Tara complained all the way into the Great Hall. They liked Halloween. Usually. But they'd been feeling...overlooked. Yes, the seventh years were getting ready for their N.E.W.T.s, but why did they have to get preferential treatment? This was supposed to be a holiday--the first of several before the year end--and they had even more homework. Worse, every time they went to the library, the muggle Gryffindors were reading, or writing essays. The twins couldn't find a decent seat without having to watch one or more of them pretend they belonged. As Halloween drew closer, the twins grew more irritated.

They flounced into the hall and sat at their table, muttering to themselves.

Kaitlyn followed them, grateful to split off for the Gryffindor table. As a Prefect, she had to keep an eye on the other students in her house and the Tremaine sisters were acting particularly snobbish and she half expected them to pull some prank on one of the first years. Hopefully not, but it was better to keep an eye on them and have nothing happen than to be caught off-guard.


Jesse was reading through a letter delivered to him earlier by his owl, from his grandmother, Sabina Rabbot was a well-regarded witch living in rural France, Matilda knew her quite well as it turned out. However, when Matilda had contacted Sabina Rabbot, she knew nothing of a letter to Jesse, she'd been travelling around Africa until two days before Matilda's Owl reached her.

Something was amiss, could there be two witches with the name Sabina Rabbot, and what possible connection did this 'Sabina Rabbot' have with his missing parents? none of it was making sense.

Jesse was so preoccupied with this puzzle, he almost missed seeing someone outside of the Great Hall running around in what appeared to be a suit of Roman Armour, but when he looked up again the figure had disappeared.

What is going on around here? Jesse asked himself as the Roman soldier was just one of the strange sights he saw, or rather thought he was seeing throughout the castle.

Across at the Slytherin table, Samantha was experiencing her own strange moment, movement just outside the doors to the great hall caught her attention, in the form of a pair of girls about Samantha's age, except instead of wearing robes of Hogwarts students, they wore old fashioned clothing, but after she blinked, they'd disappeared.


Keesha loved Halloween, especially since discovering she was a witch. She practically bounced into the great hall, then stopped. Was that a giant white rabbit wearing a vest? She blinked, but it was still there. It opened a pocket watch and looked at it.

Did the rabbit say it was late? She had to be seeing and hearing things. Alice in Wonderland was a book. The white rabbit was not real. But there it was. "Hey!" she called, going over to it.

Only, as soon as she yelled, it looked up and ran through a wall. Unbelievable. Impossible. Ridiculous. She looked around. No one else noticed. She must be seeing things. She shook her head and headed to the Hufflepuff table.

Professor MacAulay stood. "Good morning, all. Just a reminder that you must still attend classes today. I've heard some of you talking about playing hooky." She looked at Trixie and Tara, then at a few other students. "We have a special treat for dinner tonight, so please be punctual. Thank you." Then she again took her seat. Something odd was definitely going on, but she wasn't sure what it was. She hoped a gentle reminder would set things to rights.

As soon as the headmistress sat down, food appeared on the table and dozens of owls flew through the open windows. All thought of strange events were replaced by breakfast. For now.


Seventh Year Jennifer Collins
Head Girl

Third Year Jesse Connor

Third Year Samantha Hawthorne

Third Year Robin Maxwell

Third Year Kairi Scorchleigh

Third Year Tara Tremaine

Third Year Trixie Tremaine

Fifth Year Kaitlyn Varoni Prefect

Third Year Keesha Thomas

Professor Margaret MacAulay



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