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Thursday, 4th of April, 2024 @ 4:51am

Third Year Slytherin Samantha Hawthorn

Name Samantha Hawthorn

Position Slytherin

Rank Third Year Slytherin

Character Information

Gender Female
Species and Blood Status Halfblood Human
Age 13
Hogwarts House Slytherin
Wand Description Apple 11in with a Unicorn hair core
Magical Possessions Sneakoscope
Pet Lucky (Tawny Owl)

Physical Appearance

Height 1.57m
Weight 120lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Samantha Hawthorn is a blonde haired green eyed girl of average height and weight.


Father Elijah (Halfblood)
Mother Elsa (pureblood)
Brother(s) George (younger: twin of Austin)
Austin (younger: twin of George)
Other Family Jesse Connor (cousin)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Samantha Hawthorn is bright, affable has a good sense of humour and is keen to learn.

Samantha Hawthorn never gives up, when she cannot perform a spell properly she will keep going and going until she gets it just right, and she has a thirst for knowledge which is one of her main driving forces.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Quick Learner
+ Willing to try just about everything
+ Doesn't quit

- Stubborn
- Willing to try just about everything
- Doesn't quit
Ambitions Prove to herself and more specifically to others that she can be just as good a witch as others in her family despite being a half blood.

Get good grades and get a job working for the Ministry of Magic in whatever field of endeavour she is suited to be in.
Hobbies & Interests Learning Wizards Chess
Learning more about her bloodline

Relaxing with a good muggle book
Language and Accent English, some French, a strong English accent

Personal History Samantha Hawthorn was born on the 15th of September 2015, the eldest child of Elijah a half blood wizard and Elsa who was a pure blooded witch. Her younger identical twin brothers George and Austin were born 4 years later.

Samantha grew up as part of a large family, most of whom were as was the case with her mother pure blooded, the story of how a witch of Elsa's pedigree ended up marrying a half blood, from Ravenclaw was often recounted at family gatherings, but that didn't bother Matilda.

Samantha grew up closest to her cousin Jesse Connor who was a mere 2 weeks older than she was, she spent large portions of her summer vacations with Jesse either at his grandmother's house or venturing into the Muggle world, primarily to escape from her brothers.

Samantha was as she feared sorted into Slytherin house on the 1st of September 2026, the same house as her mother was in during her time at Hogwarts, her cousin was the fortunate one, he was sorted into Gryffindor house.

At Hogwarts Maddie has tended to excel in Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, and Herbology, he is no slouch when it comes to Transfiguration or Astronomy, but his least favorite subject is History of Magic.
Academic Record/Progress Samantha will sit his OWLs in 2 years time.